WW A to Z: Z is for Zookeys

I’m sure last week you all were sitting in anticipation waiting for the very last WW A to Z, and then I dropped the ball and didn’t post it. I hadn’t missed an entire WW A to Z week, the whole 26 weeks, until I got to Z…figures.
I’m sure most of you figured Z is for Zoo yawn…
We actually were going to try and get the boys picture with a Zoologist you know at the zoo when we went several weeks ago (I always planned ahead for most of these folks) I chickened out as I didn’t want to have to go through the whole “by the way can we get a picture of you so I can post it on my blog spiel” so we found Zookeys on the window and went with it. I have no idea what they are, something that plays music or instructional information on different animals..I think. I just thought the word was funky and creative for Z.

This was as we were leaving. You can tell their beyond thrilled and just tired.

I’m kinda sad that this was the last one. I may start it up again at some point. I figured you guys need a break from it and so do I. I may start back up late fall, we’ll see how things go.

WW A to Z: X is for X-Ray and some other words

(You guys probably doubted my ability to come up with an X, oh ye of little faith)

This my friends, would be one of the first X-rays I took 10 years ago in X-ray school. No it’s not a real patient, this was a X-ray dummy. That would be an oblique view of your stomach. I do miss my medical stint, but alas it wasn’t meant to be. It looks funky because I taped it to the window- the webbing is the screen.
I was curious about X words in general and found a very interesting listing online. (thank you Google!) I thought I’d share with you some of the most interesting X words you’ll see today.

xanthippe- ill tempered woman
xenial- concerning hospitality towards guests
xenodochial- kind to strangers
xenium- a gift made to a guest
xenoglossia- a persons knowledge of a language never studied
xenophobia- fear of foreigners
xenomensia- menstruation from abnormal orifices ( I don’t think I even want to know)
xerophagy- a fasting of dry food the week before Easter. – When I first read this I thought they said fasting of fast food the week before Easter. I thought wow they have a word for that!
xylogy- the study of wood
xylopyrography- engraving wood designs with use of burning
xystus- a covered walkway for exercises – to think I always thought it was just called a covered walkway
xystarch- Greek officer in charge of gymnastics
xesturgy- process of polishing

WW A to Z: W is for Wake

You may remember our good friend stitch who had a glitch and needed a cranial replacement. He has now gone on to meet his synthetic fiber maker in China.

(Please rise as we sing Amazing Grace)

We are gathered today in the presence of friends, family, fury friend and fury murderer of a beloved friend Stitch. He was adored by one sweet boy who saw beyond the glitches and the fact that he was only an animated creature turned stuffed for commercial use.  He loved that Stitch.

Stitch was a fighter and never gave up on his cause to keep one boy happy. Although he survived the first attempt at murder of his life,  skilled doctors worked tirelessly to give him the best possible way of life.  His second mauling was beyond repair.

Let us now bow our heads in prayer.

Lord let us remember Stitch as he was before, as both a friend and comfort to those in need.  We pray for his murderer that she may seek guidance and forgiveness. That she seek your counsel and accept you into her heart. We pray that we may also seek the strength and wisdom to forgive this poor young lost soul.  We mustn’t harden our hearts against her but only live by your example to teach and guide her to the right path. This we ask in your name. Amen.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil;
For thou art with me;
Thy rod and they staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
Thou anointest my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” -Psalm 23

Thank you for gathering with us today in this wake. The family has requested a closed casket funeral due to the nature of Stitches death. He will be buried beneath the trash bin where he will soon rest peacefully and join his other fallen synthetic filled comrades.

WW A to Z : T is for THIS!

This is Stitch.

He has a glitch.

This is the kid that was upset by the glitch that Stitch got.

This is the dog that caused the glitch ( who upset the kid) that Stitch got.

This is the quack that fixed the glitch (caused by the dog) that Stitch got.

No I really did not use this attire/glue gun to fix Stitch

No I really did not use this attire/glue gun to fix Stitch. I'm just a giant goof ball with time on my hands.

This is the only ear of Stitch that could be fixed,  found by the kid, which was the glitch that was caused by the dog, that Stitch got. (Did you follow that one? Cause I lost it at this point.)

This is Stitch fixed, he still has a glitch.

WW A to Z: L is for Lion King (On Broadway)

I was not able to take any pics during the show. They are very protective about copy right laws and I think the usher said it’s $5.00 per pic in fines. I’m not one to be thrown out of a show because I took some pics..but that’s just me.

The show was great but I’m not sure it’s something I would want to see over and over. There were people there who had seen it 7 times, going on their 8th. I probably would have enjoyed it a heck of a lot more if we were closer. The only way for 8 people to sit together, was to sit in the nosebleed seats. We literally were one row down for the very highest seating in the theater. I kept thinking my glasses would have really come in handy. I squinted a lot.

The puppets were amazing, people on stilts as giraffes, the elephants amazing. The thing was it seemed like there should have been more animals. There was only 1 elephant, where I felt there should have been 2. It’s probably because when I see bunches of animals, I see them in groups of two, like Noahs Ark.
The singing was beautiful, but you had to get adjusted to it since it was African origin.
Overall it was beautiful, I’m glad I can say I’ve seen it. My kids loved it. I was skeptical about Bossy Boy because he can’t even sit through the movie Lion King. I was really afraid he would bore out easily during some of the more somber songs, but he did great and never once asked, “how long is this going to take?” like he usually does.
3 cheers for Lion King! 3 cheers for WW A to Z!

H- Hop Scotch I- Ice Cream J- Jumpin Jean K- Kindergarten Bound

WW A to Z : K is for Kindergarten Bound

We had a mini ceremony for his pre-school graduation simply because I needed a good “K” and I wanted to use this cap and gown one more time. I had to bribe him with brownies to wear it. Oh, yes I did.

Since I’m playing around with momtv I thought I’d actually use the movie mode on my camera. Did you hear the motivational bribe in the background?

Here is his twin brother..I mean big brother in the same get up 5 years ago.