About Jean

I'm a full time working momma of 3 boys, we recently moved back to our home state of Oklahoma from our former other "home state" of Texas. T

Day Book 01.30.2020

I’m only doing this because my bloggy Bff gave me a nudge. I really and truly probably need to blog again if anything for theraputic reasons. What a year last year! If you know me then you know! But enough about last year… let’s do this daily therapy thing. Again this is zero guarantee that blogging is happening again but maybe between color pencil drawings, guitar lessons and instagram/ social media posting I can do this too.

Outside My Window: Its cold but only enough to be whiney about it. There is no wind chill and no precip. This weekend it will be back in the 60’s. Just need steady winter temps.

I Am Hearing: Transformers the last one my middle child has informed me.

I Am Thinking: How really exhausted I really am. I’m still not sure how I’m functioning on a daily, but the steam is running pretty low. Diet Dr Pepper is the nectar of the god but really doesn’t do anything to help my alertness.

Plans For The Week: Since I’m silly and doing this on a Thursday the plan is I made it to Thursday and man have I taken a beating this week. It’s audit week at work and let’s just say it hasn’t been great.

Weekend Recap: So I randomly copied and pasted an old post of mine to get the temp Day Book and this was my recap from obviously several years ago, like before we even knew I had a future singer in my midst…very interesting!

The youngest and I got haircuts which tells you the epitome of our weekend. The youngest is really big about his hair right now which is something that never has yet to happened for the oldest two. He has to have it a certain way and requires gel…of course. When I bought him a new bottle he studied the box like it was a brand new toy that he couldn’t wait to open. Who’s kid is this again?

While at the hair cut place the other two were playing Ellen’s app Heads Up on my phone. Great fun to pass the time and the hair people were mildly amused as well. I highly recommend it. It was free and there’s a good selection of categories including kids which probably still mainly for older kids, unless your 7 year old knows who Miranda Cosgrove and what’s his face from One Direction. The animal category though would be good for the littles. So there’s that, my two cent review for what it’ worth.

PS he is still very obsessed with his hair but not so much on fixing it.

Picture Thoughts: I’m currently using my tablet for this bloggy masterpiece and so my picture option are interesting. This was our home away from home 2 years ago when we tried out the acting thing for a month.

I feel like there should have been more prompts? I probably made up a bunch as I had stuff to say. I will try to blog more, as I do enjoy it…time is just never on my side. Facebook is an easy go to as everyone is there and always want to know the latest on the kid. I feel here though I can say things that not everyone needs to see and this place isn’t about the kid it’s just for me.

Day Book 02.03.2019

Outside My Window: Nice and sunny today but inconviently windy. I think it hit 70 but that is a farce since it didn’t feel that way. Stick around for later this week as we have possible sleet/ice later. Typical OK weather. Gah.

I Am Hearing: The middle is rewatching Super Bowl commentary and movie previews he missed as we were a touch late for viewing. Obviously we missed nothing. Yawn.

I Am Thinking: Worst Super Bowl Ever. Gamewise, Commercials, and Halftime. I love Maroon 5 and this did absolutely nothing for me…yawn .

I Am Hoping: For a normal week. Last week did not go as planned. I did something I never do and went for a strep test before having any real symptoms of strep, just in case. I was shocked that I was positive. Two and half days out of work for the lamest strep I ever had. Maybe it’s the diet?

Plans For The Week: Nothing spectacular to even really look forward to. Yay for those kind of weeks-sarcasm. Oh well one never knows with us

Picture Thought: I’m doing that 30 day gratitude challenge on Facebook. I’m enjoying putting some thought and effort into a post even if It’s a little rambly. Here is the final product of my day 2 “nature” post. You know in case you were curious. I was actually surprised no one asked for said final product, then again maybe no one cares.

Day Book 01.27.2019

Outside My Window: It was a beautiful balmy 55 degrees and sunny. Just saying…sorry northerners.

I Am Hearing: The old familiar sound of the washer going and the dryer going.

I Am Hoping: The singer has the strep. Oh Sigh! Hoping he gets better soon for all of our sanity.

I am Thinking: I’m going to admit right here…he is indeed the worst patient in the history of forever. It’s not even that he is demanding It’s that he refuses to take anything and I mean anything. He has gotten better with age at taking his yummy pink medicine which of course he hates. He will not swallow a pill so he has to take the pink stuff which as we all know is a 100 percent worse than just taking the pill. I have even resorted to using essential oils which he does allow me to rub on him. I’m not as consistent as I should be and I don’t have the expensive stuff, so I use what I can get at Walgreens. It probably would work better if I knew what I was doing, but he seems to like the smell so there’s that.

Weekend Recap: My weekend consisted of nursing my migraine and nursing the kid to health with a little sterilizing of the house and laundry. Exciting stuff!

Plans For The Week: Nothing but the usual which may not happen just so this kid can get well. Bunco is Friday so there is hope for something to look forward to.

Picture Thoughts: I’m thinking of doing a 30 day picture challenge related to gratitude, thinking Feb 1 is as good a day as any.

Here are two random pics I took this week. The oldest in rare form let me take his picture and wasn’t goofy and of course Pebbles is always begging for a picture. I really should have jumped on the Instagram train and created her an account. Yes you can see in the back ground my pride and joy My Little Pony Anniversary Edition. Why something this random could bring me joy? It’s just pure nostalgia I guess.

Cheater Cheater Cake Eater

I can at least say that the “diet” gives me something to write about. I’d like to also give myself a big pat on the back for keeping it coming on the blogging. Blogging and dieting for 25 days (not consistentatly in the blogging but you get it) this may be a habit.

Speaking of diets… Wednesday’s happen to be my weigh in day. No reason other than it starts with W and it’s the middle of the week which seems like the right time. I also use our work warehouse scale that’s primarily for crates and large airplane parts but who cares. This past Wednesday I weighed and there was no change. I was no less no more for two weeks. This set me off a little bit. I had been on the straight and narrow of watching the carbs and making sure to stay under my targeted total and had never broken down for a unsolicitated carb. I admit I was mad and decided fine it’s not worth it and ran to our break room which just happened to have 2 delicious looking cakes that I had procured that morning for a lucky birthday girl none of which I planned to have. The previous day 4 dozen donuts appeared at the work place procured by an ambitious co worker thanking everyone for help on a project. This is exactly why I am on this diet, it’s daily that carbs run rampant at the office. Back to my melt down (at this point I had caused a scene cause everyone knows my plight) The owner and beloved boss lady happened to be in there nuking pulled pork that looked delicious and I told her my sob story and she offered pork and I turned it down and went for the cake. I think by now most concerned gathered in the breakroom to witness my breakdown. I knew it was going to happen, the work people knew it was going to happen it was all a matter of when. Boss lady was like trash it if it’s not worth it, as I was stating very clearly to all concerned; I JUST WANT A BITE! A bite I did take and was sorely disappointed, like it was just not even good at all. I chunked the rest and that was that. Did I feel better? Worse cause now it seemed all good things were going to taste bad. Everyone reassured it was just a bite and didn’t count.

I of course am back on the wagon. I will be more disappointed in myself for going back to status quo than just dusting myself off and going back at it. I’m sure that’s every dieters dilemma..what a tangled we weave.

Day Book 01.20.2019

Outside My Window: A super blood wolf moon or something like that is happening or about to happen. Back in the day I would have been excited and broke the big girl camera out but I’m older, lazier, and just really like the comfort and warmth of my PJs and the couch.

I Am Hearing: The slowing spin of one of the last loads of laundryfor the week. Does this mean the laundry is done? Never. It does mean I’m done for the week. It’s a commitment thing that I just don’t have time for.

I am Thinking: Not a whole lot. I’m weirdly stoked that according to my little test strip I’m in full blown ketosis. Which is cool. Apparently I’m really burning the fat now. So woot! Highlight of my weekend for sure.

I am hoping: The oldest gets his stuff together for enrollment for class. Classes start back this week and he is waiting for his scholarship paperwork to go through so he can enroll. Nothing like last minute.

Plans For The Week: The usual chauffeuring of a little singer and his activities. That’s about the extent of it. It could change on a daily. Random thought, this week will be a year that we started our venture in L.A. and I went to rehash it while it comes up in my memories from Facebook. Gonna try to post on that.

Picture Thoughts: We took the singer to Guitar Center last week and you would have thought he was in Disneyland. I posted a picture on his Instagram and was chastised because he didn’t want other guitarists to think he doesn’t take it seriously. Sigh gosh mom you’re so lame. Eye roll.

Let’s Have a Post Shall We?

Were you getting concerned that right as I get the ball rolling, I was going to stop mid stream? It has just been that kind of week. Late nights of random wonderings of grocery shopping, guitar lessons, then vocal lessons cancelled two seconds before we arrived ( clear across town) causing us to detour to guitar center. So Thursday and tonight was basically my first non active night. Zzzzzzz

Not too much to update as of yet. We are still up in the air on Branson and I’m just tired just thinking about it. The acapella group is also still uncertain, they finally said to the group who is doing the latest songs that they are using less kids due to cost, which caused a stir in support of us who weren’t in the know. It’s just kind of professional to keep us all in the know, ya know. Again this is a fickle business we are in and we really just need confirmation to keep our schedule clear. We aren’t crybabies. So that’s life.

The diet is having it’s ups and downs. No, I haven’t cheated…on purpose. I haven’t broken down in temptation at all. It’s been close. The problem is, I happily start eating something that I feel certain is low/no carb like grilled shrimp, feeling happy and no guilt and I check my carb tracking app and I’ve eaten 18 grams of carbs like that. When I saw that and checked nutritional guides from the restaurant to confirm, I almost kicked it to the curb right then…the diet. I was pretty mopey about it for a day. That’s life.

I honestly have really kept myself in check on this “diet”. It’s not really about the weight loss per say, but the awareness of what I’m eating, and mind strength to not indulge. I think it has really been a good test of mental focus. I’ve been just kind of floating through mindless and mundane from day to day that one becomes complacent. I figure this new focus would be good for me. Plus, it is a focus on me and not anyone else which hasn’t happened in awhile.

I’m looking forward to a lazy weekend where this artic blast coming in is going to keep us barcaded inside and I’m ok with that.

The Sings The Thing

You didn’t think I would get through January without a little singer post did you? There may be a lot of times that’s all I post about…just saying.

He has a lot of irons in the fire right now and in a holding pattern as well. Right now we are just waiting day by day for the release of the video he did with a kids acapella group founded by Pennatonix. It was a national audition and he made it , we have been back and forth to Dallas for the recording and video. I may have mentioned a time or twelve that the kids are all amazing singers and we are super excited for this release. We are hoping he gets included in a few more they plan to do, but so far we haven’t heard anything yet, despite that most of the other kids have, so that’s frustrating .

Now Branson is in talks with us. In case you don’t know, Branson is a big family entertainment town during the summer and has a lot of shows catered to adults primarily. One of the theaters wants to create a show catered to kids with kid singers with current pop music. They would like him to do 2 shows a week for little pay. He would be doing probably a hundred shows a season! Now the drive one way is 5 hours and they want him on Thursday and Saturday nights. I would basically have to go part time work to do this and it wouldn’t include travel and hotel expenses. Sigh…but there are very few 14 year olds who could say they had a hundred some odd shows in Branson. How about that resume?

So we have a lot to think about as usual and if you think this music industry stuff is easy…well it ain’t.

Low Carbing Is A Little Harder

One day I’ll get in the groove of better headlines. It was sort of a play on the song Low Rider…yeah ok moving on…as the singer would “cringe mom!”

I’m going on Day 14 of doing this keto esqe diet. I went in crying and screaming but have been pretty strong once I got through day 5. I pretty much have dropped bread,pasta,rice,beans, potatoes, sugar …the bad kind?…basically all the good things in life. The hubs has been doing it for a while and I got my work bff on board and now that’s all we talk about and keeping us in check at lunch and dinner.

There has never been a stronger possible braking point than today. During a staff training meeting someone brought in 4 dozen donuts of all kinds and not just donuts, like all the good other pastries that the donut shop has. It was like full on donut fest and it was all around me and I stayed the course. Then dinner came. Tonight was my sister’s birthday dinner and of course it was at a Mexican restaurant. Carb city. My little piece of heaven. Queso, Tortillas, and Sopapillas oh my! I again maintained my will. I had a fajitas salad and didn’t eat the shell. Ugh I admit, I’m a little over salad, but it’s easy and fast when doing lunch.

I’m pretty much afraid that once I have a bite of yumminess, it’s over. I’m done I won’t bounce back. We’ll see how this goes and will keep in check.

Alright 2 In A Week Day Book 01.06.19

So bare with me as I get my blog legs back…get it sea legs…ahem…

My writing may be a little off for a bit, but hey look at me blogging, just like riding a bike. I’d like to warm things up with one of my favorite ways to start the week with The Simple Day Book meme if that’s ok with you. Thank you dear reader for keeping me in your feed. 😊

Outside My Window: It has warmed up significantly since our snowstorm this past week. We are talking like 60 outside today. We Okies could and can never handle the snow for more than 2 days max. We sure love our snow days off though. We’re wimps

I Am Hearing: The middle is streaming some music that I’m unsure of the singer but it’s kind of relaxing for writing deep thought blog posts. Like I’m in a coffee shop doing some serious writing or you know just in my recliner even better.

I am Thinking: Back to a full real work week…oh yeah and I’m trying be all low carb. It’s been rough I’m not going to lie. I’m going on a full week (technically 6 days but it feels like eons) I have yelled out of pure hangriness and might have wanted to cry and give it up, but so far I’m hanging in there. My main goal is 30 days give or take to see how it goes and how I feel. More on it in future posts.

I am Hoping the week goes smooth and that I’ve done enough planning to eat through the week and not starve. If that makes. Carb goals

Weekend Update: If I say I didn’t even get out of my pajamas Saturday is that some kind of life goal thing? I think it is. I admit, it’s been years since I’ve done that or I was sick, I think my main focus was to not feel starved and keep busying myself. That’s the extent of my weekend.

Plans For The Week: The usual things Tuesdays are guitar lessons for the singer and Wednesday is Bunco (I’m in two groups that meet once a month) I blame these activities and more on my blog slacking. Also Friday is my sister’s birthday so we will meet up at our favorite Mexican place and I will try not to gulp down the queso and refrain from carbs as best as possible. Think about me in my time of struggle.

Picture Thoughts: Some random snow ball fighting. Indulge me we don’t really get this much this often. Yeah I may start breaking out the good camera now that I’m blogging again…yeah that’s right if I keep saying it, it’s totally true. I’m blogging again.

Another Year Of Blog Promises…

Sadly for the past 3 years I have written a post at the begining of the New Year with hope and promise to write more and less Facebook. Just like every resolution, it comes to an end quickly. This time no promises and we will see how it goes. A little reverse psychology on myself.

Here’s a little recap of the last couple years..short and sweet.

2 of the 3 of my boys have graduated high school. They still live at home and do the college thing and work…at least the oldest. He is still trying to figure things out career wise and I’m ok with that.

The middle we are working to get into some work assistance program. With his Aspbergers his situation is a little different.

Then there’s the youngest, the boss, the singer, the actor. If I stick with this blogging thing and I really hope I do, I will try my best to Not make it all about this kid. There are no guarantees since he keeps an interesting story on the weekly. I thought of even doing a separate blog just on his singing, and acting stories alone, but that’s too much work. #lazy #doinggoodjustposthere

We have come a long way technology wise and blogging…look at me blogging on my tablet. I think I can muster up time to do the blog thing again. We have cut a lot of corners on spending and that includes cable, internet streaming was really bogging us down on data usage, so don’t have Netflix anymore either. You know what we moms did before binging Netflix and Facebook? We blogged gosh dang it and we were a happy little community that did not do it for just the free products to review and paid posts, we did it because we loved to tell stories on our kids. I think it’s time to go back to basics and do it!