Classic Books Review: A Thousand Splendid Suns and Little Women

I slacked off in April which was the start of the Classics Book Challenge, I just had a lot on my reading plate and knew that I could kill two birds with one stone in May.

I ate my dessert first so to speak by reading A Thousand Splendid Suns, my modern classic read.
My Thoughts: I really enjoyed this book. I loved reading and learning more about the Afghan culture through the women’s point of view this time. This book in it’s own way tied in with Red Tent that I just read last week.
Brief Summary: This is the story of two women Laila and Mirium who led two very different lives in Afghanistan and how they came to be the wives of their tyrant husband. It’s all about love lost, life struggles, and love found.

I’m not sure I loved this book like Kite Runner but it was a great read and I hope that Khaled Hosseini writes more. I learn so much by reading “their” perspective, that I really get an understanding and empathy that I probably would have never had before.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
My Thoughts: Who doesn’t love Little Women? I read this one back in high school and since it had been over 12 or so years, I thought it would be a great feel good again read. I believe I appreciated reading it even more now.
After reading several period pieces reflecting women and their difficult struggles, it was nice to have a breath of fresh air in Little Women; where their only struggle was figuring out who, and when, if ever, they would be married.
It took me a bit to get through the sugary toothache language in the beginning, but my heart of stone melted and I was soon taken into the 1800’s reading and living the lives of 4 properly raised women as they learn lessons on life and love.

4 thoughts on “Classic Books Review: A Thousand Splendid Suns and Little Women

  1. Great reviews! I loved Little Women growing up and now I REALLY want to read A Thousand Splendid Suns!

  2. My husband and I just finished The Kite Runner! What a fabulous book, I was sure I wouldn’t like it, but I was wrong. Now I think I must read A Thousand Splendid Suns.

    I really have a completely different view of Afghanistan after reading The Kite Runner.

  3. It has been so darn long since I read Little Women that I can barely remember enjoying it. But, yes, I did.
    A Thousand Splendid Suns and Kite Runner were both wonderful and I can’t wait for the man we know who is but I can’t begin to spell his name to come out with another. 😉

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