Happy Birthday My Little Wonder!

Today’s Wonder Boy’s birthday. He is certainly a miracle and a wonder. We are so blessed that he is a healthy happy boy.

Here is his interview-

Name: Wonder Boy

Age: 9

Favorite Color: Purple because it’s Mace Windo’s light saber color. (Well of course!)

Favorite Subject in school: computer lab (Future Al Gore maybe?)

What do you want to be when you grow up? A comedian/entertainer

Book of all time? “Goose Bumps even though it scares me silly and makes my bones crack. ” (Typical Wonder Boy philosophy)

If you could be any animal what would it be? A dog, like a shaggy dog.

Best memory of being 8: Going to grandmas

Worst memory of being 8: A boy bullied me

Favorite T.V. show: America’s Funniest Home Videos (This is what he wants more than anything for his birthday)

Favorite Movie: Star Wars Episode 6

Favorite Sports Team: St. Louis Rams ( He really just says because his big brother has a team, he really has no interest in sports.)

Favorite Athlete: Tom Brady

Favorite Movie Star: Tom Berjeron (the guy on AFV-the scary he thing is, he actually Google’s Tom.)

Favorite Food: Pizza and Hamburgers

Favorite Place To Eat: McDonalds and Burger King

Favorite Place To Go: Toys R Us

Favorite Place To Go Online: Poptropica and Amazon to find stuff for my birthday.

In case you just cannot get enough Wonder Boy (why wouldn’t you?) here is a few of my favorite Wonder Boy posts- Lick You Like a Momma Cat
Battery Dead? Call Eagle Auto Glass

5 thoughts on “Happy Birthday My Little Wonder!

  1. So cute! Happy Birthday to him! I love that his favorite color had to be justified in Jedi terms. 🙂 I think the interview idea is great too.

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